My mother always taught me my whole life to 'think about what you have got, not what you haven't got'.

A spin off of the Glad Game from Polyanna, written by Eleanor H. Porter.
After hitting rock bottom several years ago, I struggled with this concept. How could I think about what I had when I had nothing? Jobless, homeless, peniless and broken.
I soon began to realise that what I did have was experiences. Awful ones, but experiences non the less. So I decided to write about them.

My books are about societies issues, weaved into stories to evoke emotion, and written in a way that even a child could read and understand.

The Forest of Tùkino follows the stories of four different creatures living in a forest, each experiencing a different aspect of domestic violence. This story seeks to help those to understand what DV feels like and recognise the red flags, and give hope to those who may be still stuck in the cycle, or still recovering from one.

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